22 Mar 2014

Bonding Bunnies Part Quatre

Well, it's been about a month and a half since they've been together.  They have formed a TERRIBLE habit of peeing/marking all over the place.  Since I'm home at the moment, I'm constantly cleaning it up, and they will do it continuously throughout the day.  I'm at my wit's end.

They still nip at each other.  Mostly Tiny is still mad at Mr. Noodles for never grooming her.  Though I actually have seen him lower himself and lick her maybe two licks on the side of her voluptuous body  twice in the past.  

Tiny still squeaks every time Mr. Noodles comes round.  She gets all defensive.  But they still have their good moments.  They eat near each other.  They nap near each other throughout the day. I'm still the referee and official rabbit petterer (I think I just invented a new word!).  They will allow themselves to be squished, face to face, literally, and I pet the two of them at the same time.   

At night I separate them for my own sanity's sake.  Otherwise, the times I actually have allowed them to be free range at night, turns into a humping, nipping, chasing, banging activity.  This girl needs to sleep and work.  Each night, they take turns being in the pen for the evening.  I didn't want to be make it unfair.  I wonder if this is contributing the continual territorial peeing.  It was never this bad before.  

Now, it's just irritating as shit!  I can't think of anything I've changed in the past few weeks.  So, I'm not sure what's changed.  Is there anyone out there who could leave a comment and possible explain to me if the territorial peeing ever stops??????

Proof they don't entirely hate the other....


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